What 3D Printer Do I Use?

I’ve had several people email me asking what 3D printer I am using.

The Monoprice Select Plus has served me very well over the last few months. I have done very little to modify it other than to add a different type of spool holder. I am providing an Amazon link below if any one is interested in picking one up themselves.

Monoprice Select Plus

I have the final version of the AR180S pistol grips design ready to go and hope to get a few printed off this weekend. Each one takes about 15 hours to print so it will be awhile before I have them ready to sell. My plan is to get a small batch together then put up a for sale post. I don’t want to take money ahead of time or put together a waiting list. I think this will work out best for all parties involved.

Make sure you are subscribed so you get notified when they go up for sale.


Modern AR-180?

I as well as many others have pondered what the AR-180 would have become if it had the same development as the AR-15.

I think I may have found the answer.

The Remington/Bushmaster ACR Advanced Combat Rifle

Designed by MagPul and named the Masada the rights were sold to, and the civilian version is made by Bushmaster.

I snapped a few pics before I left town but it has many features that are directly decedent from the 180.

Look familiar?

More pics to come and I hope to get them both to the range to compare them side by side.

Reader Build: Cam Pin

When I was first contacted by reader Mike I didn’t think a cam pin for a 180 could be fashioned from an AR15 part. I was wrong. Here is what Mike did to build his own “Fully Operational Cam Pin”. (Thinly veiled Star Wars reference)

Like any good home builder he took some measurements and made a drawing.

AR-180 Bolt Cam Pin

Then commenced to cutting metal. Anything from hand tools to machine tools would certainly work. Dealers choice.

Great work Mike!



Update: AR180S Pistol Grip

I’ve had lots of folks contact me about buying these when they are available. I don’t think I could sell them fully finished for enough to pay for my time but I think I would have no problem selling them in the raw, printed state.

Anyone willing to sand and polish their own?

Heading for Salt Lake for work so let me see what I have into these for design and materials and I’ll see if I can put a price on them.