I got a pre production version a few days early. I wanted to see how it would fit on my prototype lower.

What do y’all think?

It’s even lighter and more compact that my AR-180S SBR!
The BRN-180S upper is shown with my lower, pistol grip and flash hider. An SB Tactical folding adapter and DoubleStar Strongarm brace and tube. High quality parts to say the least.
I hope to have some 80% lowers ready for you guys soon. Keep an eye out for an announcement right here.
Will the NODAK 180s aluminum replacement receiver fit?
The Brownell BRN-180 upper receivers only fit AR-15/M-16 lower receivers not original AR-180 or NDS-18 lower receivers.
I was hoping they would make an upper that was compatible with my AR-180s and NDS-18 lower.
I will probably be getting out of AR-180’s totally within the next couple of months,
Please let me know. I’ve always wanted one. I have an AR10 for trade if you want.
I will be selling my AR-180’s on Gunbroker. My user ID is Halojumper. I have no need for another AR-10 as I sold my AR-10s years ago but still have enough parts to build another one.
Most certainly not. This is an AR-15 upper in the style of an AR-180, whereas the nodak lower is a genuine 180 lower.
What will need to be done to finish out these 80% uppers? I’ve never done such a project, but your design is so cool I’m ready to try.
Okay, I’m watching videos on completing 80% lowers. Will these fit in a standard jig?
Once you get the new upper would you be interested in sharing pictures of the internals?