Just a couple quick pics. I lowered the pistol grip mount down and gave room for the web of your hand plus a few tweaks. More fake spot welds.
I think making it still be AR15 compatible would be the best way to go about it.
Celebrating the Armalite AR-180
Just a couple quick pics. I lowered the pistol grip mount down and gave room for the web of your hand plus a few tweaks. More fake spot welds.
I think making it still be AR15 compatible would be the best way to go about it.
I ran into some problems with my earlier designs. Squaring off the rear of the receiver would leave no room for the web of your hand.
I had not realized this and was working on a Gen II version that had a 180B style rear end. This had the same problem as Gen I but also would not allow the BRN-180 to drop down into the receiver at the back.
I started fresh this morning and left the rear end alone and just modified the front to resemble the AR-180B/Nodak NDS-18S.
Astute observers may have noticed I also modified my pistol grip to fit on a standard AR-15 mounting point. I have had this request from some of my followers on Instagram.
By the way if you are on Instagram give me a follow. I post a lot of other stuff on there that you might like. Look up BigRix, the same as my Youtube channel.
Hope to see anyone who is attending the SAR West Show next Saturday in Phoenix.
I’ll be the guy walking around with my AR180S Pistol with a folding Tailhook brace and my Pistol grip!
Stop and say “Hi!” of you see me.
Well I have 3 ready to ship.
I have reworked the model and done modifications to my printer and I am happy with how they are printing now.
I have also decided to put them up for sale and will print and fill orders as they come in. That might take awhile to fill as they take quite some time to print. 18+ hours to be exact.
These can certainly be used as is but really need to be sanded, polished, possibly even painted.
Here is an early prototype that I sanded and rounded the edges then polished.
First 3 will ship right away, first come, first served. Just click on the link at the top of the page to take you to the Shopping Cart.
I am really looking forward to getting some pictures of how your pistol grips turn out!
As always use the “Contact Me” link to send me an email if you have any questions.
Got an email the other day and I knew y’all would be interested in it.
A brand new Sharpshooter kit.
This one is packaged as coming from Timberline Hawk and differs in construction from my example. The hand guard cover is improved by the addition of Velcro to allow it to be removed easily. The butt stock cover is the real pain in the ass to install. If I made a new version of this I would certainly use Velcro for that as well.
Just for fun I am including a pic from the movie Daylight’s End showing a Sharpshooter in use.