I recently discovered ASA filaments and they are producing some outstanding prints.

Shown here is my N1 pistol brace and the Fusion pistol grip. The ASA filament requires more work on the front end but will require less work for you. Many folks who have purchased from me before run their parts as is, so I strive to make them as nice looking as possible.
For those that want to sand and paint there parts to make them look ‘less 3d printed’ they will have another option, acetone vapor smoothing. Exposing ASA to acetone vapors will melt the outer layers together and the parts become smooth as glass. I will be experimenting with this process over the next few weeks and report back my findings.
For those that are interested here is a link to an article that outlines the process.
I almost forgot to mention the BRN180 butt stock kits are available now in case you haven’t heard.

These parts and many more are available in my store.