I just wanted to touch base with y’all to let you know what has been happening. My new job has kicked into high gear and it has me out of town most weeks and that has the unfortunate side effect of keeping me away from the blog. I am home this week and hope to have an article of substance before I head back out on the road.
A couple weekends ago I found a reasonably priced Mill/Drill on craigslist. Unfortunately it was a 4 hour drive away. I rented a trailer and my wife and I went on an adventure to go pick it up. It had lead a relatively hard life as a drill for an off-road fabrication company and would need a little TLC. What can I say, I am a sucker for a project.
It is a Jet JMD-18 and it is the perfect size for my home shop. Being a round column it will require special consideration to order of operations to reduce the need for raising the head.

Got it home and it took some doing to get it off the trailer without a cherry picker but we got ‘er done.

I had originally intended to modify my drill press and use it for small milling jobs so I had purchased a cross slide vise from Harbor Freight but it just didn’t work out. I returned it and picked up a chain fall that allowed me to put this mill on the table.

I pulled the spindle apart to get the number off the bearings and put in an order with McMaster Carr. That finished off my weekend as I had to pack and leave town the next morning.

Last weekend the bearings were installed and a run in procedure was initiated.
The head is back together and it runs much quieter.
Cleaning now starts on the table. It stayed locked in one place for years it would seem, so the ways are a little cruddy. A little bit of rust needs to be cleaned off the surface.
Chuck over at the GunLab keeps cranking out the AR-180B parts and I am hopeful that I will have some kits in my hands soon. Several have emailed me stating their interest and I will be starting up a waiting list. Email me through the contact form and I will put your name on it.

I am also juggling several gun projects myself. I am now on the fence about the 458 SOCOM AR-180B, it may turn into a mid length gas carbine in 5.56. I already have the barrel so it will be cheap but not nearly as cool. I have a Sten MkIII kit that I want to work on after I get the mill up and running. I also want to try my hand an an 80% lower. Not sure which way to go with a buttstock for the AAA SAP. Folder, original, or mill one out of Delrin?
On top of that I have to prepare for a new Advanced Electrical class I am teaching next week and attend a teaching workshop this week.
Brain Overload.